RAUL CAZAN (Romania, Belgium) Editor in Chief – e-mail: raul[at]2celsius.org

For two years, Raul was the Editor-in-Chief of the only Romanian environmental magazine, Green Report, a product among few of the kind in Eastern Europe. Beyond his Law degree from the University of Bucharest, Raul’s interests revolve around environmental journalism and communications, enhancing topics surrounding the politics of climate change and food security. Raul holds two Master’s Degrees in political science and development from the Central European University Budapest and University of Trento, Italy. He collaborated with the World Wildlife Fund – Danube Carpathian Program, founded the Slow Food Bucharest chapter and acted as an environmental law consultant in Brussels. Between 2009 and 2010 he was International Grassroots Outreach Fellow at Earth Day Network in Washington, D.C. His latest project consists of setting-up an open virtual platform, named magazine.2celsius.org, regarding climate change and the green collar economy in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently, as president of 2Celsius, he is researching and working on ecological connectivity, environmental law, green public procurement, transport, and land use change related programs.
MIHAI STOICA (Romania, Belgium) Director, Photojournalist – email: mihai[at]2celsius.org

Based in Bucharest, Mihai graduated Communication Sciences at the Ecological University in Bucharest and studied social and cultural anthropology at the Catholic University Leuven. In 2007 he began working for the environmental magazine Green Report, where he united his passion for ecology to photojournalism. During this time, he made a series of photo-reportages on environmental themes, and in 2008 he started working as a freelancer. Since then he contributed stories to several international media and NGOs, including National Geographic (RO), Al-Jazeera (EN), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (GE), Balkan Insight (BiH), DATUM (AT), Transport&Environment (BE), Climate Action Network (BE), Greenpeace (RO), Bankwatch (RO). Presently, as director of 2Celsius he manages campaigns on clean transport, bioenergy and climate related issues. He also does project-based and freelance photography and film work in Romania and abroad.
VLAD LIMBEAN (Denmark, Romania) Intern, Contributor

A graduate of Central European University (CEU) Business School in Budapest Hungary, Vlad has obtained his degree in management and business. Beyond his field of study, in 2009 Vlad has worked as a research assistant in the Undergraduate Writing Center of CEU. His experience in composition and communication has now excited his interest toward the cause of 2Celsius.
EVA KONZETT (Austria), Contributor

Austrian born, Eva graduated Romance languages and comparative literature at the University of Vienna. She worked and studied for a whole year in the Transylvanian city of Cluj-Napoca at the Babes-Bolyai University; later, between 2012 and 2013 she free-lanced in Bucharest. Since 2008, however, Eva is employed in the East Europe Newsroom of the Austrian business oriented journal, Wirtschaftsblatt. She published in numerous media in Austria, Germany, Serbia, and Romania.
JAN STEJSKAL (Czech Republic) Conbtributor

Jan is an environmental journalist and communicator from the Czech Republic; he was for years the editor-in-chief of the Ekolist.cz – a leading Czech on-line news portal that comments and features environment and nature. As he has to illustrate his stories, he takes photography very seriously. Jan holds a master degree in anthropology obtained in Prague.
2 Celsius is a European network of environmental journalists and thinkers as well as a virtual media platform for climate change related information and knowledge.
2 degrees Celsius warming goal for 2050 is the only practical option for inflicting the least damage to Earth’s climate system. 2C lies at the heart of efforts to craft a new pact after Rio +20 for tackling climate change in decades to come.
This website opens the way for a region-wide extended environmental media platform dedicated to the green economy and to containing climate change effects. The platform is especially dedicated to Central and Eastern Europe`s green businesses and, equally, to the advance of the green collar economy.
The recognition of the non-linear nature of all systems dynamics is the very essence of ecological awareness. This also works for (environmental) journalism and reporting. The climate crisis has created a virtual and equal global green public sphere.
The language of risk is thus related to a global environmental threat that calls for a new, organic type of reporting and of media organization. 2Celsius is an open platform for all expressions of green and equal prosperity.
Even though the 2Celsius Network was founded in Washington, D.C., with help and advice from Earth Day Network, the platform is open to everyone that wants to share, meditate, and report on climate change, local development or green politics for Europe and particularly the CEE and the Balkans.
MARIUCA BADEA (Romania, Italy) Researcher, mariuca[at]2celsius.org
Currently based in Bucharest, Măriuca attended MA courses with the Universiteit Katholieke Leuven, Belgium between 2009 and 2011. With a focus on European institutions, policies, decision-making and decision-taking, her Belgium experience opened the door for new challenges. Returning to her home country, she gained experience within the NGO sector. Believing it’s this cluster that has the capacity to keep the tab on policy development impacting our environment keeps pushing Măriuca forward. She found a motivating cause and environment with the 2Celsius team. To bring her contribution she takes on research challenges connected to bioenergy and rather controversial uses of biomass.
LUBOMIR MITEV (Bulgaria) Reporter

Lubo is currently a student at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, following an MA program in Educational Studies. He successfully completed a BA in Philosophy in the same university in 2009, followed by a MA in European Studies in 2010. Since his transition from philosophy to European studies, Lubo found out that he had a great urge to write. This made him become a freelance journalist, with a stress on environmental and energy issues. Being from Bulgaria and living in Belgium for four years (and counting) allows him to throw a Western perspective over the East, and to provide info from the East to people in the West.
CRISTINA MIRCEA (Romania) Reporter

Currently living in Cluj Napoca, Romania, Cristina graduated Journalism at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu/ Hermannstadt. She worked as an editor for the TV channel Antena 3 in Bucharest, but also chose to specialize in “environmental journalism” and join the 2Celsius cause. She is working as a reporter and online editor for Transylvania Media Group in Cluj Napoca.
LASZLO KEKI (Hungary) Reporter

Laszlo is a “Hungarian European Journalist”, environmental protection activist, he is writing about today’s environmental challenges, trying to understand the role and directions of UN climate institutions as well as perspectives regarding climate change and environmental protection. He has got two diplomas, in General Chemistry Technology, and Communication and Marketing. He is currently working in an international trading company. “I am living near Budapest in a small peaceful, green settlement, a perfect village. I love life, my garden, arts, forests, climate debates, good food, clear water, clean air, journalism, sciences, modern technology, people, and European history.”
GIEDRE STEIKUNAITE (Lithuania, U.K.) Reporter

Currently an editorial intern at the New Internationalist magazine (“The people, the ideas, the action in the fight for global justice”), Giedre is studying journalism and contemporary history in London, UK. Freelancing for various publications, back in Lithuania she was a reporter for a current affairs weekly, Panorama. Development, climate change, and social issues are her main topics of interest.
FOTIS KAFARAKIS (Greece) Editor, Reporter

Fotis was a TV reporter and producer (domestic-political affairs) for ERT (Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation) and lately he became Chief Editor of ERT’s TV Newsrrom. He is also collaborating with newspapers and magazines from Greece and the European Union. Climate change and travel journalism are his main interests.
KARSTEN SCHULZ (Germany) Contributor, Analyst

Karsten holds a Master’s degree in political science from the University of Bonn. His research focus is on international environmental governance and policy analysis; particularly in the areas of climate change, food security, and desertification. His previous work experience includes the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. He also worked with the German Agency for International Cooperation. Currently, he is a junior researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) in Bonn and works for the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL). WASCAL is a large-scale research-focused program designed to strengthen the research infrastructure and capacity in West Africa related to climate change by pooling the expertise of ten West African countries and Germany. Within the project his research is concentrated on climate change adaptation policies and risk management strategies in Ghana. In addition, Karsten works as a scientific editor in the field of development research.
BORUT TAVCAR (Slovenia) Contributor

A veteran journalist from Slovenia, dealing with environmental and energy issues for 20 years. Lately he became the editor-in-chief of Green Delo, the environmental page in the main Slovenian daily newspaper, Delo.
LARISA RANKOVIC (Serbia) Contributor

Larisa explores media in their diverse ways – as a researcher, consultant and journalist. She is working on a PhD thesis about community media. She is based in Belgrade.
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