Centre for Sustainable Policies “Ecopolis” with the support of 2Celsius and backed by the international legal NGO ClientEarth has started a legal challenge against the…
Posts published in “Environment”
In a meeting at the European Commission in Brussels with representatives of Climate Action Network Europe and 2Celsius, vice-president designate of the European Commission Frans…
Initially I was in awe as my eye was moving over the picture’s pixels. Then it was fear. It looked like a Pasolinian alienation, madness,…
Why do we have to ski all the time?, asks Dominik Siegrist, an actual avid skier and leader of whatsalp – a group of…
Following the rains and massive floods of Elba and Danube in 2002, EU decided to take action. In 2007 the European Floods Directive was…
In the wake of the heated talks on the CETA signing, Naomi Klein, at a short online meeting with her readers in Vilnius, Lithuania, brings…
Thistle is invading mountain clearings; little pines are growing amongst the high alpine rocks; flocks of cattle need to climb to high altitudes for good…
By Patricia Espinosa, head of UNFCCC Humanity will look back on November 4, 2016, as the day that countries of the world shut the door…
European Parliament’s voted on the own-initiative report on the Mid-term Review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, Europe’s strategy to halt biodiversity loss by 2020. The…
Representatives from 30 European capitals and major cities met to express and formalize their commitment to address climate change, emphasizing the role major urban centers…