The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is joining forces with the Edmund Mach Foundation (FEM), a non-profit organization based in Italy specialized in agricultural, nutritional and environmental research, to elevate the position of mountain forests on the European and international agenda. The two organizations will work together to strengthen knowledge sharing and capacity building, improve the sharing of good practices, assist in project formulation and implementation and support technical consultations and awareness-raising events at the international level, reads a Mountain Partnership press release.
“Both organizations share the belief that more efforts in the fields of knowledge, research, communication, policies, planning and management at the national and international levels can bring mountain forests to a more prominent position on the European and international agenda,” says Thomas Hofer, Coordinator of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat.
FAO and FEM will work together on the sustainable and harmonized development of mountain forests with a focus on watershed management under the global change scenario, to foster a wide range of multi-sectoral forest benefits and sustainable livelihood and to assist and preserve important ecosystem services of mountain forests. Projects will be undertaken until December 2015 and are expected to concern bioenergy, biodiversity and non-wood forest products; mountain watershed management; a state-of-the-art publication on mountain forest ecosystem services and an international mountain forests event.
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