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30 March: Commission publishes EU road safety statistics for 2015

On 30 March 2016, the European Commission will unveil the EU road safety statistics for 2015. They will include aggregated and country-by-country figures.

For the first time this year, the Commission will also be able to produce an EU-wide estimate of the number of people seriously injured on European roads.

European roads are the safest in the world. Over the past decades, Europe made excellent and sustained progress in road safety and saved thousands of lives. In 2001, 54 000 people died on the roads. Since then, the death toll has been more than halved despite a twofold increase of the number of vehicles in circulation. As a comparison, the US counts twice as many road fatalities per million inhabitants as Europe.

Still, everyday 70 people are killed on European roads, and over the last years progress in reducing road fatalities has been stagnating. To reach the EU strategic target of halving the number of road deaths from 2010 to 2020, additional efforts are needed.

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